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Women In Jesus' Time

Writer's picture: Christina MChristina M

The time of Jesus, roughly 2,000 years ago, was a pivotal period in history, marked by significant social, cultural, and religious changes. In this era, women occupied a distinct place in society, and their roles and influence were deeply intertwined with the cultural and religious contexts of the time. This article will explore the position and significance of women in Jesus' time through five to six key points, shedding light on their roles, challenges, and contributions.

Women In Jesus' Time

Here are few highlights of Women In Jesus' Time

Traditional Roles of Women

In the society of ancient Palestine during Jesus' time, women primarily adhered to traditional roles. These roles included domestic responsibilities, such as managing households, raising children, and preparing meals. These domestic responsibilities were considered central to a woman's identity and purpose. Women were also expected to be submissive to their husbands and male family members, adhering to the patriarchal structure of the society. They were often excluded from public life, and their voices were seldom heard in matters of governance or religious leadership.

Economic Contribution

Despite their limited public roles, women played a significant part in the economic stability of their households. Many women were involved in crafts and trade, producing goods such as textiles, pottery, and jewelry. Additionally, women contributed to agriculture by participating in activities like sowing, harvesting, and food preparation. These economic contributions were vital for the sustenance of their families and communities. In an agrarian society like ancient Palestine, where both men and women contributed to agricultural work, ensuring the community's sustenance.

Influence of Jewish Law

Jewish law, as defined in the Torah and later expanded upon in the Talmud, significantly influenced the status and rights of women in the society of Jesus' time. While some Jewish laws were restrictive, others provided certain protections and rights for women. For example, the Ketubah, a Jewish marriage contract, ensured financial security for wives in case of divorce or their husband's death. However, Education was generally reserved for men, limiting women's access to formal religious education and leadership positions within religious institutions.

Women in the Ministry of Jesus

In contrast to the societal norms of the time, Jesus' ministry included a significant number of women who played crucial roles. Mary Magdalene, for instance, is often depicted as one of his closest disciples and was a witness to many pivotal events in Jesus' life, including his crucifixion and resurrection. Other women, such as Joanna, provided financial support to Jesus' ministry. These women were witnesses to important events, including Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. This inclusion of women in Jesus' inner circle challenged prevailing gender norms and underscored Jesus' commitment to a more egalitarian approach to discipleship.

Women in Parables and Teachings

Jesus often used parables and teachings that featured women as central characters to convey important spiritual lessons. One of the most famous parables featuring a woman is the Parable of the Lost Coin, found in Luke 15:8-10. In this parable, a woman diligently searches for a lost coin, symbolizing God's relentless pursuit of sinners. By highlighting women in his teachings, Jesus emphasized their worth and the significance of their actions, subverting societal expectations and affirming their spiritual importance.

Women's Roles in Early Christianity

In the early Christian community that emerged after Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection, women continued to hold influential positions. They were among the first to witness the empty tomb and were entrusted with spreading the news of Jesus' resurrection. Women such as Priscilla, Phoebe, and Lydia are mentioned in the New Testament as key figures in the early Christian church. They served as teachers, leaders, and patrons, contributing to the growth and development of the Christian faith.

Elaborating Women's Roles in Early Christianity. Their involvement was significant in several aspects:

a. Witnesses to the Resurrection:

Women were the first witnesses to the empty tomb of Jesus. According to the Gospels, including the accounts in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, women, including Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James, discovered the empty tomb and received messages from angels proclaiming Jesus' resurrection. Their testimonies were central to the early Christian narrative and provided the initial confirmation of the most critical event in Christian theology.

b. Evangelists and Missionaries:

Women in the early Christian community actively participated in spreading the teachings of Jesus. They served as evangelists and missionaries, sharing the message of Christianity with both Jews and Gentiles. Notably, Mary Magdalene is often referred to as the "Apostle to the Apostles" for her role in proclaiming the resurrection of Jesus to the male disciples.

c. Leaders and Teachers:

Women held leadership positions within the early Christian church. For example, Priscilla, along with her husband Aquila, is mentioned several times in the New Testament as a teacher of the Christian faith. Phoebe, mentioned in Romans 16:1-2, is referred to as a "deaconess" and a benefactor of the church. Lydia, a prominent figure in the book of Acts, hosted the apostle Paul and his companions in her home and played an essential role in the growth of the Christian community in Philippi.

d. Financial Patrons:

Many women in the early Christian community provided crucial financial support to the church and its missionaries. This financial patronage allowed the early Christian movement to thrive and expand. For example, Joanna, one of Jesus' followers, is mentioned as a financial supporter of Jesus' ministry in Luke 8:3. Women like Lydia, who were engaged in business, likely contributed substantially to the financial stability of early Christian congregations.

e. Martyrs and Saints:

Some women in early Christianity are venerated as martyrs and saints. Perpetua and Felicity, two North African Christian women, were executed for their faith in the early 3rd century. Their courage and unwavering commitment to Christianity have made them enduring symbols of faith in the face of persecution.

f. Influence on Early Christian Theology:

Women also influenced early Christian theology and spirituality. Their experiences and insights contributed to the development of Christian thought. Some women, such as Julian of Norwich and Teresa of Ávila in later Christian history, became prominent mystics and theologians, shaping Christian spirituality for generations to come.


In the time of Jesus, women occupied a complex and multifaceted position in society. While traditional gender roles limited their public participation and authority, they made significant contributions to their households and communities. Jesus' ministry and teachings challenged these societal norms, highlighting the importance of women in the spiritual realm and inviting them to be active participants in his mission.

The role of women in Jesus' time serves as a reminder of the enduring struggle for gender equality and the power of individuals and movements to challenge and transform societal expectations. Their presence and influence in the early Christian community demonstrate the transformative impact of Jesus' teachings and his commitment to inclusivity and equality. As we reflect on the past, we are reminded of the ongoing journey toward greater gender equality and the continued importance of empowering and valuing the contributions of women in all aspects of society.

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