Why is Our Character so Important as Christian youth? Christina M Christian Living
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Why is Our Character so Important as Christian youth?

Character is a fundamental aspect of human identity, and for Christian youth, it holds a special place in shaping their lives and faith. The development of strong character is crucial for young Christians as it not only anchors them in their beliefs but also equips them to be influential ambassadors of Christ in an increasingly complex world. This essay explores why character is of paramount importance for Christian youth, delving into various key points that emphasize its significance.

Why is Our Character so Important as Christian youth?

Let us dive deeper into the subject as to why our character is so important as a Christian Youth:

Reflecting Christ's Image

How was Christ's Character?

Christ's character is a profound embodiment of love, compassion, and selflessness. He demonstrated unwavering faith, humility, and forgiveness in all he did. His teachings emphasized kindness, empathy, and the importance of serving others. Christ's character serves as a timeless example for humanity, inspiring us to live virtuously and strive for a deeper connection with God. His life of sacrifice, grace, and boundless love remains a beacon of hope and a model of moral excellence for all who seek to follow in his footsteps. In his character, we find the ultimate expression of divine love and the path to spiritual transformation.

One of the primary goals of Christianity is to become more like Christ. In Romans 8:29, it is written,

"For those whom he foreknew, he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son."

Character development allows Christian youth to mirror the qualities and attributes of Jesus in their daily lives. By embodying traits such as love, compassion, humility, and forgiveness, they become living testimonies of Christ's teachings.

A Strong Foundation for Faith

Character serves as a solid foundation for a young Christian's faith. A person with a strong moral character is better equipped to withstand doubts and challenges to their faith. When faced with questions or adversity, they can draw upon their integrity, honesty, and commitment to God as sources of strength, reinforcing their belief in Him.

How can character serves as a solid foundation for the faith of Christian youth?

Moral Resilience:
  • Character development instills moral resilience in young Christians. It helps them withstand doubt, skepticism, and external pressures that may challenge their faith.

  • Through strong character, youth are better prepared to confront questions about their beliefs and navigate the complexities of a secular world without compromising their faith.

Guided Decision-Making:
  • A well-formed character provides a framework for guided decision-making. It helps Christian youth make choices aligned with their faith, promoting ethical and righteous actions.

  • When faced with moral dilemmas, a strong character becomes a source of guidance, enabling them to make decisions rooted in their Christian values.

Faith's Deepening:
  • Character development is not separate from one's faith journey; it is intertwined with it. As young Christians cultivate virtues such as love, patience, and humility, they naturally grow in their faith.

  • A strong character allows them to internalize the teachings of Christ, fostering a deeper understanding of their faith and a more profound connection with God.

Resistance to Spiritual Drift:
  • In a world filled with distractions and competing worldviews, a strong character acts as an anchor, preventing spiritual drift.

  • Young Christians with a solid foundation of character are less likely to be swayed by secular ideologies or lose sight of their faith's significance, as they remain rooted in their Christian identity.

Moral Guidance

Character provides moral guidance, helping Christian youth discern right from wrong. In a world filled with conflicting values and ethical relativism, a well-formed character acts as a compass that steers them toward righteousness and ethical behavior. Proverbs 22:6 encourages parents to "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it," emphasizing the importance of early character development.

How moral guidance can be taught to children or individual?

Teaching moral guidance is essential in instilling strong values and ethics in individuals, particularly in young people. Here are some effective ways to impart moral guidance:

Role Modeling:

Adults and mentors can set a powerful example by consistently demonstrating moral behavior and ethical decision-making. Children and youth often emulate the actions of trusted role models.

Open Communication:

Encourage open and honest discussions about moral dilemmas and ethical choices. Create a safe space for individuals to ask questions and express their concerns, allowing for guided exploration of moral principles.


Share stories, parables, and real-life examples that illustrate moral values and the consequences of both positive and negative choices. Narratives make moral lessons relatable and memorable.

Scriptural and Religious Teachings:

For religious communities, religious texts and teachings provide a strong foundation for moral guidance. Studying and discussing relevant passages can help individuals understand and internalize ethical principles.

Critical Thinking:

Encourage critical thinking skills by asking individuals to evaluate moral situations, consider various perspectives, and weigh the consequences of different choices. This fosters independent moral reasoning.

Community Engagement:

Engage in community service and outreach activities to help individuals understand the practical application of moral principles. Serving others fosters empathy and a sense of responsibility.

Ethics Education:

Integrate ethics education into formal curricula and informal learning environments. Explore philosophical and ethical theories to deepen understanding.

Parental Involvement:

Parents play a crucial role in teaching moral guidance. Consistent reinforcement of values at home, along with constructive discipline and guidance, is essential.

Peer Influence:

Foster positive peer relationships and encourage young people to associate with friends who share their moral values. Peer influence can reinforce or challenge moral choices.

Reflection and Self-Examination:

Encourage self-reflection through journaling or discussions that allow individuals to assess their actions, values, and moral growth over time.

By incorporating these strategies, individuals can receive comprehensive moral guidance, enabling them to make ethical choices, navigate moral dilemmas, and contribute positively to their communities

Resisting Temptation

Temptation is an inevitable part of life, and young Christians are not exempt from its allure. However, a strong character provides them with the moral fortitude to resist temptations that may lead them away from their faith. By nurturing qualities like self-control and discipline, they are better prepared to face life's challenges and avoid succumbing to sinful desires.

Temptation does not see age or time. Everyone have to face temptation. But the important aspect is overcoming the temptation. In an another blog, it is mentioned How we can Overcome Temptations.

Positive Influence on Others

Christian youth with strong character can have a profound impact on their peers and society at large. Their actions and attitudes serve as a shining example of Christ's teachings, drawing others toward faith. A person of strong character is a powerful testimony to the transformative power of Christ's love.

Matthew 5:16 encourages believers to

"Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."

How can you have a Positive influence on others?

Having a positive influence on others is a powerful way to make a meaningful impact in your community and relationships. Here are three elaborated points on how to achieve this:

Exemplify Positivity and Kindness:

Leading by example is one of the most effective ways to influence others positively. Demonstrate kindness, empathy, and a positive attitude in your interactions. When you consistently model these behaviors, people around you are more likely to follow suit. Actively listen to others, offer help when needed, and show appreciation for their efforts. Your kindness can create a ripple effect, inspiring others to be kinder and more positive in their own lives.

Offer Support and Encouragement:

Another way to have a positive influence is by providing support and encouragement to those around you. Recognize people's strengths and achievements, no matter how small, and offer genuine praise. When someone faces challenges or setbacks, be there to lend a helping hand, offer advice, or simply provide a listening ear. Your support can boost their confidence and motivation, helping them overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

Share Knowledge and Skills:

Sharing your knowledge and skills can empower others and positively impact their lives. Whether it's mentoring a coworker, tutoring a student, or volunteering in your community, your expertise can be a valuable resource. When you generously share what you know, you not only help others grow and develop but also foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Practice Active Empathy:

Active empathy involves putting yourself in someone else's shoes and understanding their feelings and perspectives. When you genuinely empathize with others, you can offer more meaningful support and guidance. Ask questions to understand their experiences better, validate their emotions, and offer empathy without judgment. This not only strengthens your relationships but also helps others feel heard and understood.

Building Trust and Credibility

Trust and credibility are essential for effective ministry and outreach. Christian youth who exhibit honesty, reliability, and moral integrity are more likely to gain the trust of their peers, mentors, and community members. This trust forms the basis for meaningful relationships and opportunities to share the Gospel.

Building trust and credibility is essential in personal and professional relationships. It forms the basis of effective communication, collaboration, and lasting connections. Here's a brief exploration of this vital concept:


Trust is the foundation upon which all relationships are built. It is the belief that someone is reliable, honest, and capable, and it forms the bedrock of credibility. To establish trust, consistency is key. Consistently delivering on promises, being transparent in communication, and demonstrating reliability builds trust over time.


Credibility, on the other hand, is the perception of trustworthiness and expertise. It is earned through a track record of honesty, competence, and ethical behavior. Credible individuals and organizations are more likely to be believed, respected, and followed.

Building trust and credibility involves active listening, clear communication, and a commitment to ethical conduct. It's about being authentic, admitting mistakes when they occur, and consistently demonstrating integrity. In personal relationships, it's being there for loved ones in times of need, while in the professional world, it's about delivering quality work and being a reliable colleague or leader.

In sum, trust and credibility are invaluable assets that take time to develop and can be easily eroded. They are the cornerstones of healthy relationships and successful endeavors, whether in personal, professional, or community contexts.

Overcoming Hypocrisy

Hypocrisy is a stumbling block for many in the Christian faith. A person whose character does not align with their professed beliefs can cause confusion and disillusionment among others. Christian youth must strive for consistency between their faith and character to avoid being perceived as hypocrites and to maintain the integrity of the Gospel message.

Overcoming hypocrisy begins with self-reflection. It involves a candid examination of one's beliefs and an honest assessment of whether their actions are consistent with those beliefs. This self-awareness is essential for recognizing and acknowledging instances of hypocrisy in one's life.

To address hypocrisy, individuals must be willing to make changes in their behavior and strive for greater alignment between their words and actions. This may involve taking responsibility for past inconsistencies and actively working to live in accordance with their professed values.

Transparency and accountability are key components of overcoming hypocrisy. It's important to admit when one has fallen short of their values and to take steps to rectify the situation. This might include apologizing to those who have been affected by one's actions and making amends where necessary.

Ultimately, overcoming hypocrisy is a continuous journey that requires humility and a commitment to personal growth. It involves striving to live authentically, with integrity, and in a way that aligns with one's deeply held beliefs. By doing so, individuals can build trust, credibility, and stronger relationships with others

Spiritual Growth and Transformation

Character development is an essential component of spiritual growth and transformation. As young Christians cultivate qualities like patience, kindness, and gentleness, they experience a deepening of their relationship with God. Galatians 5:22-23 highlights the fruit of the Spirit, emphasizing that these virtues are cultivated through a life led by the Holy Spirit.

Spiritual growth and transformation are profound journeys of self-discovery and connection with the divine. They entail a deepening of one's relationship with their faith and a personal evolution toward higher spiritual consciousness. This process often involves self-reflection, prayer, meditation, and the study of sacred texts, leading to a greater understanding of life's purpose and the pursuit of virtuous living. Spiritual growth and transformation empower individuals to cultivate qualities like love, compassion, and forgiveness, while shedding negative traits. As they progress, they become more attuned to the presence of the divine in everyday life, experiencing a profound sense of peace, purpose, and fulfillment.

Navigating Life's Challenges

Life presents its fair share of challenges, and Christian youth are not immune to adversity. A strong character equips them to face difficulties with resilience, faith, and hope.

James 1:2-4 encourages believers to

"Count it all joy when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness."

Navigating life's challenges is an inevitable part of the human experience. These challenges come in various forms, from personal crises to external adversities, and they often test our resilience and character.

To successfully traverse these turbulent waters, one must adopt certain strategies and perspectives:


Building emotional resilience is crucial. It involves developing the ability to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to change, and maintain a positive outlook in the face of adversity.


Effective problem-solving skills enable individuals to approach challenges with a clear, rational mindset. Breaking complex problems into smaller, manageable steps can make daunting issues more approachable.

Social Support:

Seek support from friends, family, or a support network. Sharing your challenges with trusted individuals can provide emotional relief and often leads to valuable advice and solutions.


Be kind to yourself. Recognize that facing challenges is a part of life, and making mistakes is a natural aspect of growth. Self-compassion fosters self-esteem and resilience.

Mindfulness and Perspective:

Practicing mindfulness helps you stay grounded in the present moment and gain perspective on your challenges. It can reduce stress and anxiety, allowing for clearer decision-making.

Learning and Growth:

Approach challenges as opportunities for personal growth and learning. Each obstacle can be a stepping stone to acquiring new skills, wisdom, and resilience.

Faith and Hope:

For many, faith and hope provide the strength to persevere through life's challenges. Belief in a higher power or a brighter future can be a source of comfort and motivation.

Navigating life's challenges is not about avoiding them but about developing the skills and mindset to confront them with courage and determination. It's a transformative journey that, when embraced with the right attitude and support, can lead to personal growth and a stronger, more resilient self.

Leaving a Lasting Legacy

Christian youth who prioritize character development leave a lasting legacy for future generations. Their commitment to Christ and the virtues they embody serve as an inspiration for their children, peers, and communities. A legacy of strong character can continue to impact the world long after one's time on Earth has ended.

Proverbs 20:7 states,

"The righteous who walks in his integrity—blessed are his children after him."

Leaving a lasting legacy is a profound aspiration that transcends one's lifetime. It involves making a positive and enduring impact on the world and the lives of others. This legacy can manifest in various forms, from the contributions to society, the values instilled in future generations, to the memories and inspiration shared with loved ones. By living a life of purpose, compassion, and virtue, individuals can ensure that their influence persists, shaping the beliefs and actions of those who follow. Leaving a lasting legacy is not about fame or fortune but about leaving behind a meaningful and lasting imprint that continues to enrich the world long after one's physical presence has faded.


In conclusion, character is of paramount importance for Christian youth as it underpins their faith, influences their interactions with others, and prepares them to navigate life's challenges with integrity. By striving to mirror the image of Christ, upholding moral values, and resisting temptation, young Christians can become powerful ambassadors of their faith. Character development is not a one-time endeavor but a lifelong journey that shapes their identity and leaves a lasting legacy of Christ's love and teachings. It is through the cultivation of character that Christian youth can truly make a positive impact on the world and fulfill their calling as disciples of Christ.

About Desamfm

"Desamfm is an online platform catering to Christian youngsters aged 13 to 35. It offers a variety of multimedia resources, including videos, blogs, and podcasts created by Christian creatives. Covering topics like faith, relationships, and personal growth, DESAMFM provides an interactive space for young Christians to connect, share experiences, and seek guidance. With a user-friendly interface and regular updates, it ensures fresh and relevant content. DESAMFM serves as a valuable resource, combining Christian values with the interests of today's youth. Join the community and embark on a faith-filled journey together."

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