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What Does Marriage Mean for Young Christians

Writer's picture: joshuasamsonhobdayjoshuasamsonhobday

Have you discovered the love of your dreams? Are you a young person or Christian who plans to marry soon? If so, it is critical to look into the biblical perspective on marriage and how it differs from societal conventions. In this essay, we will look at what marriage means for young Christians, including the spiritual, emotional, and practical implications, as well as relevant Bible references.

Understanding How Marriage is Portrayed in the Bible

Marriage, a hallowed institution throughout the Bible, provides a foundation of faith and spiritual growth for young Christians about to begin on this lifelong journey. From the beginning of Scripture to the end, various people illustrate the beauty and sanctity of marriage, providing priceless lessons and encouragement to anyone wanting to embrace this heavenly bond.

The story of Adam and Eve in Genesis' first few chapters establishes the groundwork for God's decreed marriage. Genesis 2:24 exemplifies this divine plan: "Therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and they will become one flesh." Adam and Eve's relationship exemplifies God's vision for marriage: a holy tie marked by unity, companionship, and mutual support.

Throughout the Old Testament, we see a variety of couples whose marriages demonstrate faithfulness and commitment to God. Despite hardships and uncertainty, Abraham and Sarah's faith journey demonstrates the value of trusting and relying on God's promises. Their unshakable devotion to one another and to God stands as a timeless model of marital integrity and obedience.

Similarly, the love tale of Ruth and Boaz depicts the grandeur of God's providence and salvation through the lens of marriage. Ruth's devotion to Naomi and willingness to accept Boaz's love demonstrate the importance of selflessness and constancy in developing a strong marital bond.

Moving on to the New Testament, we see the significant importance of marriage in the ministry of Jesus Christ. His first miracle at the wedding at Cana, when he transformed water into wine, emphasizes the significance of marital celebration and the sanctity of the marital union in God's sight. Jesus' teachings on marriage reaffirm the divine institution by emphasizing the qualities of love, forgiveness, and selfless service within the married partnership.

The book of Revelation finishes the biblical narrative by depicting marriage as the final union between Christ, the bridegroom, and the church, his wife. Revelation 19:7-9 gives a magnificent image of this celestial wedding feast, which represents the fulfillment of God's redemptive plan and the eternal unity of Christ and his people.

What Marriage Means for Young Christians

Marriage is a Spiritual Union

Marriage, for young Christians, is more than just a legal or social commitment; it is a profound spiritual bond created by God. As you prepare to enter into this covenant, it is critical to acknowledge the mystical aspect of marriage, which transcends worldly borders and is united by the presence of Christ.

Throughout the Bible, marriage is depicted as a sacred bond infused with spiritual significance. In Ephesians 5:31-32, the apostle Paul describes marriage as a mystery, echoing the mystical union between Christ and the church:

"For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church."

This verse emphasizes the spiritual dimension of marriage, highlighting its reflection of the divine relationship between Christ and His people. As you prepare for marriage, it's important to understand that your union with your spouse is not merely a human endeavor but a spiritual journey guided by God's presence. Through prayer, reflection, and seeking God's guidance, you can invite Christ to be the cornerstone of your relationship, uniting you and your partner in His love and grace.

In the middle of wedding planning and the joy of embarking on a new chapter together, remember that your marriage is more than just a celebration of love; it is a sacred bond sanctified by God. By accepting the mystical character of marriage and inviting Christ to be the focal point of your partnership, you can embark on this journey with confidence, knowing that He is with you every step of the way, guiding and supporting you in His love.

Marriage is Sacrificial

Marriage, particularly from a Christian perspective, is frequently portrayed as a union of love, friendship, and joy. However, marriage is fundamentally sacrificial. As you prepare to begin on this road as a young Christian, remember that marriage comprises far more than romantic gestures, sex, and date nights. It needs a willingness to love and serve your partner selflessly, especially in the face of adversity.

One of the most important components of sacrificial love in marriage is being there for your spouse in times of illness and need. This means that there may be times when your wife is ill, and you will need to put aside your own plans and responsibilities to care for her. It could require skipping work to care for her, putting your own comfort and convenience aside for her sake. Similarly, there may be moments when you, as a husband, are in need, and your wife will selflessly care for you, displaying her love and loyalty.

Furthermore, sacrificial love in marriage extends beyond medical crises to ordinary life obstacles. It means giving up restless nights to care for a wailing baby or assist your spouse with home responsibilities. It entails being willing to prioritize your spouse's needs over your own, even if it is inconvenient or demanding. In marriage, sacrificial love is defined as selflessly giving of yourself for the sake of your partner, even if it means making personal sacrifices. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 says,

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

Ultimately, sacrificial love in marriage reflects Christ's selfless love for us. As a young Christian preparing to marry, keep in mind that marriage is more than just fulfilling your own wants and needs. It is about sacrificially loving and serving your spouse, putting their needs ahead of your own, and exhibiting Christ-like love in all aspects of your relationship.

Marriage is Christological

Marriage, as understood through a Christological lens, embodies the divine union between Christ and His church. For young Christians preparing to enter into this sacred covenant, it's crucial to recognize that their marriage is not only a reflection of Christ's union with His people but also centered on Christ Himself.

The Christological aspect of marriage emphasizes that the relationship between spouses mirrors the love, sacrifice, and commitment demonstrated by Christ in His relationship with the church. Just as Christ gave Himself sacrificially for the redemption of His people, husbands and wives are called to sacrificially love and serve one another in their marriage. This sacrificial love mirrors Christ's selfless devotion and sets the foundation for a strong and enduring marital bond.

Furthermore, a Christocentric marriage places Christ at the center of the relationship, guiding and shaping every aspect of the union. Christ becomes the focal point of the marriage, influencing decisions, priorities, and values. By aligning their lives with Christ's teachings and example, couples can navigate challenges, celebrate joys, and grow together in their faith journey. Ephesians 5:25-27

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing[b] her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless."

In a Christocentric marriage, Christ is not only the foundation but also the beginning and end of the relationship. Couples acknowledge Christ as the source of their love, the sustainer of their union, and the ultimate purpose of their marriage. As they seek to honor Christ in their relationship, they find meaning, fulfillment, and eternal significance in their marital bond.

Marriage is Egalitarian

Marriage, as envisioned in the Bible, is characterized by an egalitarian framework where both partners are valued equally and mutually submit to one another in love and respect. Contrary to harmful patriarchal views of marriage where one partner dominates over the other, the biblical perspective emphasizes mutual submission, shared decision-making, and the recognition of each other's intrinsic worth.

In Ephesians 5:21, the apostle Paul sets the tone for a mutual submission within marriage, stating, "Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ." This verse lays the foundation for a partnership where both spouses willingly yield to each other, acknowledging their shared responsibility and honoring each other's perspectives.

The egalitarian nature of marriage is also evident in Galatians 3:28, which proclaims,

"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

This verse underscores the fundamental equality of all believers in Christ, transcending societal distinctions and affirming the equal worth and dignity of both men and women in marriage. In practical terms, an egalitarian marriage values open communication, shared decision-making, and the equitable distribution of responsibilities. Both partners contribute their unique gifts, talents, and perspectives to the relationship, fostering a sense of partnership and collaboration in navigating life's challenges and joys.

By embracing the biblical vision of marriage as egalitarian, young Christian couples can cultivate a relationship built on mutual respect, understanding, and support. Instead of perpetuating harmful patriarchal dynamics where one partner holds authority over the other, they can embrace a model of marriage that honors the inherent worth and equality of both spouses, reflecting God's vision for harmonious and loving relationships.


To summarize, the Bible offers a profound view of marriage that goes beyond social conventions and stresses mutual respect, equality, and submission between couples. As young Christians prepare to enter into this holy bond, it is critical that we embrace biblical values of love, sacrifice, and partnership in order to form a strong and fulfilling marriage.


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