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Taming the mouth and Gossip

Writer's picture: DESAM FMDESAM FM
Four reasons gossip damages people ... and why you need to think before you speak

Gossip a negative force

Gossip can be a very powerful negative force. It has the ability to spread quickly and influence people's perceptions of others. Youngsters usually use gossip to build social bonds and alliances, as well as to exclude and ostracize individuals who are perceived as different or threatening.

Because of its potential to spread quickly and affect people's reputations, gossip can be a powerful tool for manipulation and control. In the social media culture we live in, teens or youngsters use gossip as a means of exerting power over others, spreading false or misleading information in order to manipulate people's perceptions and behaviors.

Let's analyze it from a Biblical front

Gossip harms others

The tongue is described in James 3:1–12 as "a world of evil" that "corrupts the whole individual." How accurate are these statements! Have you ever been the target of gossip that made your life miserable? Gossip can harm others in a number of ways

  1. Damage to reputation: When people spread false or negative information about someone, it can damage their reputation and cause others to view them in a negative light. This can lead to social isolation, exclusion, and even loss of job opportunities.

  2. Emotional distress: Gossip can cause emotional distress to the subject of the gossip, particularly if the information being spread is sensitive or personal. It can lead to feelings of betrayal, humiliation, and shame.

  3. Spreading rumors: Gossip often involves the spreading of rumors or hearsay. This can cause confusion, misunderstandings, and false beliefs, leading to negative consequences for those involved.

  4. Bullying: Gossip can be a form of bullying, particularly when it is targeted at an individual or group. This can lead to harassment, intimidation, and social exclusion.

  5. Legal consequences: In some cases, gossip can lead to legal consequences, particularly if it involves slander or defamation of character.

Your tongue is powerful

The tongue is a small portion of the body, but it "makes great boasts," according to James (3:5). We don't realise how much of a difference this tiny part of our body can make, particularly when it comes to talking about someone behind their back.

Okay, so perhaps not everyone has experienced life-altering gossips. But there are numerous ways that gossip can have an impact on everyone. I've seen congregations where gossip has destroyed the sense of community. I'm also painfully conscious of the gossips I've spread about other people. Verse 10 states that we worship God and address him as LORD with the "same mouth." How are these two polar opponents able to coexist? We must be aware that when we speak, we are praising, honouring, and glorifying God. Additionally, we must understand that God is enraged by loose talk (as seen in Numbers 12), and we must be able to restrain ourselves before we gossip and harm other people's lives.

Always learn to think before you speak

“Before we open our mouths to speak about anyone else, we must always ask ourselves two questions: Is what we are going to say true? And is what we are going to say edifying (i.e. does it build up or strengthen others)? For some reason, good news doesn’t spread as quickly as bad news. But one thing is certain: Gossip and talking about others behind their backs angers God.” Look at Numbers 12:3-9.

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1 Comment

Wil de Jonge
Wil de Jonge
Feb 26, 2023

Great words, so true. Thank you Charles

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