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Survey of the Book of Ezra-Nehemiah

Updated: Feb 23, 2023

The book of Nehemiah in the Bible tells the story of how Nehemiah and the people built the walls of Jerusalem again. The book of Nehemiah is about reestablishing God's people both physically and spiritually.


  • Ezra and Nehemiah form a single book in the Hebrew Old Testament, along with other historical books like Samuel, Kings and chronicles; it was divided into two books in the Septuagint.

  • Ezra-Nehemiah is the second volume of chronicler’s theological interpretation of the history of the Jews. 1 and 2 Chronicles is the first.



  • Although Ezra is not specifically mentioned as the author, he is certainly the best candidate. Jewish tradition attributes the book of Ezra and portion of work (7:28-9:15) are written in the first person, from Ezra’s point of view.


  • Because Ezra and Nehemiah was treated one book in the Hebrew text and because two books show certain similarities in style and outlook, many scholars have believed that Ezra and Nehemiah were originally compiled by the same person, probably Ezra.

  • It is important that 1:1 describes the contents as “the words of Nehemiah.” This assertion is supported by the narrative about Nehemiah being in the first person.

  • Thus if Ezra was the compiler, he was apparently quoting directly from the writings of Nehemiah.



  • Ezra continues the OT narratives of 2 chronicles by showing how God fulfils his promise to return his people to the land of promise after 70 years of exile.

  • This is considered as Israel’s “second exodus,” which is from Babylon, this is less impressive because only a remnant chooses to leave Babylon.

  • Ezra relates the story of two returns from Babylon – the first led by Zerubbabel to rebuild the temple and second under the leadership of Ezra to rebuild the spiritual condition of the people.


  • The book of Nehemiah is a complement to the book of Ezra. It provides additional information about the religious and social reforms that took place in Judah and Jerusalem in the mid-fifth century B.C. Feel free to include personal details and examples. The more relatable you or your website is, the more you connect with your readers.



  • The works of Ezra and Nehemiah to rebuild and reform postexilic Jerusalem were largely inspired by the theological truth of YHWH as covenant keeper.

  • God’s faithfulness to his word as a keeper of covenant oath meant “there is still hope for Israel.”

  • It was the certainty of this teaching that energized the postexilic prophets to announce message of hope and encouragement to the restoration community as well.

  • YHWH’s willingness to return to those who returned to him assured the postexilic community of his desire to bless and restore the covenant people.

  • As a covenant keeping God, YHWH heard and responded to the petitions of Israel and declared them “his people.”

  • The very presence of a remnant of Israel in the land of Palestine was a gracious token of God’s covenant keeping nature.



  • Ezra 1-6: The Rebuilding of the Temple under Zerubbabel

  • Ezra 7-10: The Return under Ezra


  • Nehemiah 1-7: Rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem

  • Nehemiah 8-13: Restoring covenant Purity

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