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Should You Follow Your Heart as a Young Christian

Writer's picture: joshuasamsonhobdayjoshuasamsonhobday

Updated: Sep 26, 2023

As a young Christian, navigating the complexities of life can be a daunting task. You may find yourself facing critical decisions, from choosing a career path to selecting a life partner. In the midst of it all, you might wonder whether it's appropriate to follow your heart as a Christian, given the biblical emphasis on following God's will.

In today's world, popular culture often encourages us to "follow our heart." It's a well-intentioned piece of advice, emphasizing the importance of pursuing our passions and desires. However, as young Christians, we face a unique challenge: reconciling this cultural message with the biblical teaching that the heart can be deceitful. In this article, we will explore whether or not you should follow your heart as a young Christian and how the guidance of the Bible can help you navigate this crucial aspect of your faith journey.

Understanding the Heart

Popular culture frequently promotes the idea that following your heart is the key to happiness and fulfillment. We see this mantra in movies, songs, and self-help books. While there is some truth to this concept, it's essential for young Christians to discern the balance between secular advice and biblical wisdom.

The Bible, in Jeremiah 17:9, warns us that "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" This verse challenges the notion of blindly following our heart's desires. Instead, it encourages us to seek a higher source of guidance.

In Christian teachings, the heart is often seen as the seat of emotions, desires, and intentions. Proverbs 4:23 (NIV) admonishes believers to "guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." This verse suggests that the heart plays a pivotal role in shaping our actions and decisions.

Biblical Examples

Samson: Samson is perhaps one of the most well-known examples of someone who followed his heart to the detriment of his calling. He was a Nazirite dedicated to God from birth, which meant he had certain restrictions, including not cutting his hair and avoiding contact with unclean things. Samson, however, allowed his attraction to Delilah to lead him astray. He revealed the secret of his strength (his uncut hair), and as a result, he lost his strength, his freedom, and ultimately his life when his hair was cut by Delilah's conspirators. His story serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of following one's desires without regard for God's commands.

David and Bathsheba: King David, a man after God's own heart, fell into a grave sin when he followed his heart's desire for Bathsheba, who was already married to Uriah the Hittite. David committed adultery with her, leading to a sequence of tragic events, including Uriah's murder and a period of turmoil in David's own family. Although David repented and was forgiven by God, the consequences of his actions haunted him throughout his life.

Lot's Wife: In the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot's wife disobeyed God's command to flee the city without looking back. Her heart was attached to her life in Sodom, and she couldn't resist the temptation to look back. As a result, she was turned into a pillar of salt, serving as a stark reminder of the consequences of disobedience.

Esau: Esau, the older twin of Jacob, followed his heart's immediate desire for a bowl of stew when he was hungry and exchanged his birthright for it. This impulsive decision had long-lasting consequences, as he lost the spiritual and material blessings that should have been his as the firstborn.

Solomon: King Solomon, renowned for his wisdom, followed his heart's desire for foreign wives and wealth. He married many foreign women who led him into idolatry, and his heart turned away from God. This led to the division of Israel after his death and marked the decline of his kingdom.

These biblical characters' stories illustrate the importance of seeking God's guidance and aligning our desires with His will rather than following our hearts impulsively. While God is forgiving and merciful, the consequences of our actions, especially when they lead us away from His path, can have lasting and profound effects.

Follow God and His Word

As young Christians, our primary compass should be the Word of God. The Bible provides us with timeless principles and values that should guide our decisions and actions. Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us to

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."

This scripture emphasizes the importance of placing our trust in God rather than our own limited understanding. When we follow God and His Word, we align ourselves with a source of truth that transcends our ever-changing emotions and desires. God's guidance is steadfast, reliable, and rooted in love and righteousness. Obedience is a natural outgrowth of faith. As we delve into God's Word and spend time in prayer, we begin to understand His commandments and principles. We recognize the transformative power of living a life aligned with His teachings. Obedience is not a burdensome duty but a joyful response to His love. Seeking God's will becomes our guiding compass. It means surrendering our desires and plans to His higher purpose. It's about trusting that His ways are better than ours, even when we can't see the full picture. It's a journey of faith, marked by moments of clarity and times of uncertainty.

Seek God's Will

The path to true wisdom and fulfillment involves wholehearted trust in God and a commitment to aligning our will with His divine purpose. One of the reasons for this emphasis on seeking God's will is the recognition that the human heart is inherently flawed. Jeremiah 17:9 (NIV) succinctly states,

"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?"

This verse serves as a sobering reminder that our hearts can be easily swayed by emotions, desires, and worldly influences. Left unchecked, our hearts may lead us down paths that ultimately prove detrimental to our spiritual well-being. Moreover, following our hearts without regard for God's will can result in decisions and actions that are not in harmony with His divine plan. The consequences of such choices can be far-reaching, affecting not only our own lives but also the lives of those around us.

In contrast, when believers commit to seeking God's will above all else, they position themselves to receive the blessings of divine guidance, wisdom, and providence. The journey of discerning God's will often involves prayer, meditation on Scripture, seeking counsel from mature believers, and remaining open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. It requires humility to acknowledge that our understanding is limited and that God's perspective surpasses our own. Furthermore, aligning our hearts with God's will leads to a life marked by purpose, fulfillment, and a deep sense of peace. It allows us to participate in God's redemptive plan for the world and to bear fruit that has eternal significance.

Practice Discernment

Given this biblical perspective on the heart's fallibility, the call to discernment emerges as a crucial aspect of the Christian journey. Discernment, in essence, is the practice of seeking divine wisdom and guidance in decision-making, rather than solely relying on the inclinations of one's heart. It is an active engagement of the mind and spirit to discern God's will, purpose, and direction in various aspects of life. Discernment also benefits from seeking counsel and wisdom from trusted mentors, spiritual leaders, and fellow believers. Proverbs 11:14 (NIV) affirms the value of seeking advice:

"For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers."

The input and perspectives of others can offer valuable insights and perspectives that may not be apparent when relying solely on one's heart. The Bible provides numerous examples of individuals who exercised discernment in their decision-making processes. Abraham discerned God's call to leave his homeland and follow God's plan for his life (Genesis 12:1-4). David discerned that he should not harm Saul, even when he had the opportunity to do so (1 Samuel 24:4-7). Jesus, in the Garden of Gethsemane, discerned God's will and submitted to it, saying, "Not my will, but yours be done" (Luke 22:42).

Proverbs 2:3-6 encourages believers to actively seek understanding and discernment:

"Cry out for insight and understanding...then you will understand what is right and just and fair—every good path."

This implies that discernment requires effort and a willingness to engage in a spiritual journey. It is a partnership between humanity and God, where individuals are called to cultivate their ability to distinguish between good and evil. The New Testament speaks of the Holy Spirit as the source of discernment. In 1 Corinthians 2:12-13, it is written,

"We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us."

This divine guidance helps believers navigate the complexities of life and make decisions aligned with God's will.

Transformation of the Heart

While the Bible cautions against the deceitfulness of the heart, it also offers hope and transformation. Through faith and a relationship with God, our hearts can be changed and renewed. Psalm 51:10 encourages us to pray,

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."

The heart, the very essence of our being, is not a static entity. It is a vessel capable of change and transformation. It can be softened, healed, and made new. The Bible calls us to this transformation, to allow our hearts to be molded by the divine. Transformation is not an instantaneous event but a lifelong journey. It requires patience, perseverance, and faith. The Apostle Paul encourages us to "be transformed by the renewal of your mind" (Romans 12:2). This renewal involves a continuous process of learning and growing in our understanding of God's will and purpose for our lives.

Engage Your Mind and Heart

To live a balanced and purposeful life, it is imperative that we allow both the heart and mind to play their parts. While the heart leads us towards our passions, dreams, and the people we love, the mind acts as a steady guide, offering reason and discernment. Together, they form a harmonious partnership that can lead us towards fulfillment and success.

When we lean too heavily on the heart alone, we risk making impulsive decisions driven solely by emotions. While emotions are undeniably powerful and authentic, they can sometimes cloud our judgment. In such moments, the rationality of the mind serves as a safeguard, allowing us to step back, evaluate the situation, and consider the long-term consequences of our choices. Conversely, a life dominated by the mind alone can become devoid of the rich experiences that come from following our hearts. Overanalyzing every decision can lead to a sense of detachment from our true desires and passions, leaving us feeling unfulfilled and disconnected from our inner selves.

The key to a well-rounded and purposeful life lies in striking a delicate balance between heart and mind. In essence, the heart and mind are not adversaries but allies, each contributing its unique strengths to the journey of life. When we allow them to work in harmony, we harness the full spectrum of human potential, making decisions and living in a way that is both emotionally rich and intellectually sound.

About Desamfm

"Desamfm is an online platform catering to Christian youngsters aged 13 to 35. It offers a variety of multimedia resources, including videos, blogs, and podcasts created by Christian creatives. Covering topics like faith, relationships, and personal growth, DESAMFM provides an interactive space for young Christians to connect, share experiences, and seek guidance. With a user-friendly interface and regular updates, it ensures fresh and relevant content. DESAMFM serves as a valuable resource, combining Christian values with the interests of today's youth. Join the community and embark on a faith-filled journey together."


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