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Sexuality 101: A Biblical View of Human Sexuality

Writer's picture: joshuasamsonhobdayjoshuasamsonhobday

Have you received the dreaded "sex talk" or to be more discreet, "the birds and the bees" lecture from your parents yet? If not, you will receive one anytime soon, especially if you're a teenager! But until then, we've got you covered! Sexuality is a normal part of human existence, and most teens are interested in it. Nonetheless, the Christian perspective on sexuality differs from what the rest of the world depicts. As a Christian adolescent, it is critical to understand what the Bible teaches about sex and how it should be addressed.

What the Bible Teaches About Sex

According to the Bible, sex is a gift from God to be enjoyed within the boundaries of marriage. In Genesis 2:24, it says, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." This verse shows us that sex is reserved for marriage, which is a union of a man and a woman.

The Bible also teaches that sex should be exclusive. In 1 Corinthians 6:18, it says, "Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body." This verse shows that sexual immorality is a sin, and it is important to flee from it. Sexual immorality is any kind of sex practiced outside the context of a heterosexual marriage.

Understanding God's Wisdom & Design for Sex

Perhaps you have a few questions about your gay friend or the LGBTQ community he sometimes talks about. Maybe you are facing same-sex desire yourself, and you're wondering why you are feeling this way. Or you are just trying to make sense of all of these in the light of the Scriptures.

I assure you, I will unhesitatingly address all these topics in the following days and help you gain a healthy and biblical understanding of them. But for now, suffice it to say that God's wisdom for human sexuality is good; and we are called to trust, obey and follow it. What is His wisdom and design for sex?

God created sex, and He created it for a specific purpose. Sex is not only for procreation, but it is also a way for a husband and wife to enjoy and express their love for one another. It is a way for them to become one flesh and to strengthen their bond. As a teenager, it is important to understand that God's design for sex is for it to be enjoyed within marriage. It is not something to be taken lightly or used as a means of gratification.

Avoiding Temptation

When it comes to sex, you will confront several temptations as a teenager. It is essential to keep in mind that sexual temptation is not a sin. Nonetheless, it is essential that you resist temptation and avoid sexual immorality.

Avoiding sexual temptation can be accomplished by avoiding situations that may lead to it. For example, it is important to avoid being alone with a person of the opposite or the same sex you are attracted to, in a private setting. Even more so if they are attracted to you as well.

It is also important to guard your heart and mind. Philippians 4:8 says, "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." This verse shows that it is important to fill your mind with things that are pure and honorable.


As a teenager, it is important to have accountability when it comes to your sexual purity. It is important to have people in your life who will hold you accountable and help you stay on the right path. One way to have accountability is to have a mentor. A mentor is someone who can guide you and provide you with wisdom and support.

It is also important to have accountability with your friends. Proverbs 27:17 says, "Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." This verse shows that it is important to have friends who will encourage you and hold you accountable.


This article is a basic and introductive description of what the Bible teaches about sex. There is a lot more topics to delve into when it comes to sexuality such as sexual orientation, gender identity, the LGBTQ community, usage of preferred pronouns, facing same-sex desire and so on; all of which I hope to write about in the following days. If you want to stay updated, subscribe to DESAMFM.

God's wisdom for human sexuality is good; and we are called to trust, obey and follow it.


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