Poem On Rahul Gandhi Christina M Christian Entertainment
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Poem On Rahul Gandhi

Here is a short poem dedicated to Rahul Gandhi for his Birthday!!

Poem On Rahul Gandhi

In the realm of Indian politics,

Stands a figure with distinct essence,

Rahul Gandhi, a name that rings,

A leader who dares to spread his wings.

With determination in his stride,

He walks a path, both far and wide,

A voice for the common man's plea,

He strives for a nation that's truly free.

In his eyes, a vision so bright,

A passion for justice, burning with might,

A beacon of hope for those oppressed,

A champion for the marginalized, he's blessed.

With eloquence in his words,

He articulates concerns, like singing birds,

Seeking progress, unity, and truth,

He inspires the hearts of old and youth.

Though critics may raise their voice,

He perseveres, making a choice,

To serve the nation with all his might,

Fighting for what he believes is right.

Rahul Gandhi,

A name we know,

An embodiment of courage and glow,

In the tapestry of India's story,

He leaves an indelible mark of glory.

- Desamfm

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