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How Should Christian Youth Behave

Writer's picture: Christina MChristina M

Christianity, as a faith, places immense value on how its adherents conduct themselves in various aspects of life. For Christian youth, embracing virtuous behavior not only strengthens their personal relationship with God but also enables them to positively impact their communities. This article delves into essential points guiding how Christian youth should behave, helping them navigate the challenges of the modern world while staying true to their faith.

How Should Christian Youth Behave

Here are few pointers which can help you rectify your behaviour as a Christian Youth.

1. Embrace Spiritual Growth

Christian youth should prioritize nurturing their relationship with God through prayer, Bible study, and participation in church activities. Developing a strong spiritual foundation equips them to face life's challenges with resilience and grace. Embracing spiritual growth, Christian youth embark on a journey of deepening their relationship with God. Through prayer, study, and reflection, they cultivate a strong foundation that empowers them to navigate life's challenges with faith, resilience, and a profound sense of purpose.

2. Exemplify Love and Compassion

Central to Christianity is the command to love one's neighbors as themselves. Christian youth should show compassion, kindness, and empathy towards others, reflecting the love that God has shown them. Exemplifying love and compassion, Christian youth embody the teachings of Christ by extending empathy and kindness to all, reflecting the divine love that unites humanity. Through their actions, they create a tangible expression of God's grace in a world longing for understanding and acceptance

3. Practice Honesty and Integrity

Honesty and integrity are core Christian values. Youth should maintain honesty in all their dealings, striving to be people of their word and earning the trust of those around them. Practicing honesty and integrity, Christian youth uphold a moral standard that reflects their commitment to truthfulness and ethical conduct. Their unwavering integrity not only earns the trust of others but also mirrors the character of the God they follow.

4. Cultivate Humility

Christian youth should embrace humility, recognizing that their talents and achievements are gifts from God. Humility helps in building healthy relationships and avoiding arrogance. Cultivating humility, Christian youth embrace a mindset of modesty and selflessness. By recognizing their strengths as gifts from God and valuing others' contributions, they foster harmonious relationships and emulate the humility exemplified by Jesus.

5. Resist Peer Pressure

In a world that often promotes values conflicting with Christian teachings, youth must have the strength to resist negative peer pressure. This requires conviction in their faith and a commitment to making God-honoring choices. Resisting peer pressure, Christian youth exhibit the strength of their convictions and prioritize their faith over conforming to negative influences, staying true to their values and beliefs.

6. Practice Forgiveness

Just as God forgives humanity, Christian youth should forgive others who have wronged them. Forgiveness promotes healing, reconciliation, and a reflection of Christ's sacrifice. Through practicing forgiveness, Christian youth mirror the transformative mercy of God. By letting go of grudges and offering reconciliation, they pave the path towards healing and restoration, echoing the divine forgiveness extended to them through Christ's sacrifice.

7. Maintain Sexual Purity

Christian youth are called to uphold the sanctity of sexual intimacy within the confines of marriage. Abstaining from premarital sex and practicing purity aligns with biblical teachings. Maintaining sexual purity, Christian youth honor the sacredness of intimacy within the context of marriage. This commitment reflects their dedication to upholding biblical values and cultivating relationships founded on respect, trust, and God's design for love.

8. Exercise Gratitude

Gratitude fosters contentment and humility. Christian youth should cultivate a grateful heart, acknowledging God's blessings and expressing thankfulness in all circumstances. Exercising gratitude, Christian youth embrace a perspective of thankfulness that fosters contentment and humility. Recognizing God's blessings in every circumstance, they cultivate a joyful heart that radiates positivity and reflects their faith in God's providence.

9. Serve Others Selflessly

Following the example of Jesus, youth should engage in selfless service to others. Volunteering, helping the less fortunate, and participating in community projects reflect Christ's love. Serving others selflessly, Christian youth embody Christ's teachings by putting the needs of others before their own. Through acts of compassion and kindness, they demonstrate the transformative power of love and contribute to building a more compassionate and harmonious world.

10. Seek Wise Counsel

Christian youth should seek guidance from wise and mature mentors, parents, or spiritual leaders when facing challenges. Wise counsel helps them make informed decisions aligned with their faith. Seeking wise counsel, Christian youth acknowledge the importance of seeking guidance from experienced mentors and spiritual leaders. This practice enables them to make well-informed decisions, navigate challenges with wisdom, and align their choices with their faith and values.

11. Respect Authority

Respecting authority figures, such as parents, teachers, and leaders, is an expression of obedience to God. It fosters a spirit of cooperation and humility. Respecting authority, Christian youth demonstrate obedience to both earthly and divine order. By honoring parents, teachers, and leaders, they uphold a spirit of cooperation, humility, and reverence for the authority that ultimately stems from God.

12. Avoid Gossip and Negative Speech

Christian youth should be mindful of their words, refraining from gossip, slander, or negative speech. Instead, their words should edify, encourage, and promote unity. Avoiding gossip and negative speech, Christian youth uphold the power of their words to build rather than tear down. By choosing words that uplift, encourage, and promote unity, they reflect the transformative love of Christ and contribute to a culture of positivity and understanding.

13. Exercise Self-Control

Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit and helps youth manage their emotions, desires, and impulses. This virtue enables them to make wise choices even in challenging situations. Exercising self-control, Christian youth manifest the fruit of the Spirit by mastering their impulses and emotions. This discipline empowers them to make wise decisions and navigate life's challenges with resilience, reflecting Christ's example of balance and self-mastery.

14. Engage in Positive Entertainment

The media and entertainment landscape can be filled with content that contradicts Christian values. Youth should be discerning in their entertainment choices, selecting media that aligns with their faith. Engaging in positive entertainment, Christian youth make deliberate choices that align with their values and faith. By consuming media that uplifts and inspires, they nurture their minds and hearts while avoiding content that contradicts their commitment to wholesome living.

15. Practice Stewardship

Christian youth should responsibly manage their resources, including time, money, and talents, recognizing that they belong to God. This includes being mindful of sustainable practices to care for God's creation. Practicing stewardship, Christian youth recognize their responsibility to manage resources wisely. By using their time, talents, and treasures for God's glory and the betterment of others, they honor the Creator's generosity and contribute to the well-being of both humanity and the environment.

16. Stand for Justice

Upholding justice and defending the rights of the oppressed and marginalized is a Christian imperative. Youth should be advocates for equality and fairness in their communities. Standing for justice, Christian youth embrace their role as advocates for equality and fairness. By championing the rights of the marginalized and addressing societal inequalities, they reflect God's heart for justice and work towards creating a world that mirrors His divine principles of righteousness.


Christian youth have a unique opportunity to demonstrate Christ-like behavior in their daily lives. By embracing virtues such as love, honesty, humility, and selflessness, they contribute positively to their communities and glorify God. Through prayer, study of Scripture, and a commitment to living out their faith, Christian youth can navigate the challenges of the modern world while staying true to their beliefs.

About Desamfm

"Desamfm is an online platform catering to Christian youngsters aged 13 to 35. It offers a variety of multimedia resources, including videos, blogs, and podcasts created by Christian creatives. Covering topics like faith, relationships, and personal growth, DESAMFM provides an interactive space for young Christians to connect, share experiences, and seek guidance. With a user-friendly interface and regular updates, it ensures fresh and relevant content. DESAMFM serves as a valuable resource, combining Christian values with the interests of today's youth. Join the community and embark on a faith-filled journey together."

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